Tips and Tricks

Vanda Care Guide

Rishabh Vats 0 Comments

Light is a crucial factor in blooming most vandaceous plants. There are three types of vandas: strap-leaved, semi-terete and terete. The first type has broader, flat leaves, while terete types have round, pencil-shaped leaves. The semi-teretes are hybrids between the two, with an intermediate leaf shape. Terete types need full sun, and are best grown...
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Stanhopea Care Guide

Rishabh Vats 0 Comments

Light should be bright, with direct sunlight diffused so as not to burn the leaves. Most growers suspend these orchids due to their pendulous inflorescences. This also brings the plants closer to the light. Light levels approximating those for cattleyas, around 3,000 foot-candles, are best.Temperatures should be moderate: 11° to 16° C at night, with day...
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Cattleya Care Guide

Rishabh Vats 0 Comments

GROWING CONDITIONSThe right growing conditions will help the plant to grow well and flower regularly year after year. The ideal condition will be achieved in a normal growing house that has 50% shade cloth on the top, east and northern sides, with a more solid wind protection on the south and west sides, for...
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Paphiopedilum Care Guide

Rishabh Vats 0 Comments

Light, Watering and Housing Care should then be given to preserving the humidity around them and keeping the water up to them without allowing them to be constantly wet. Due to this consideration, they are generally better housed in some area with protection from hot or cold drying winds so that a higher humidity...
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Dendrobium Mousmee Care Guide

Rishabh Vats 0 Comments

Watering During the season of active growth, the plants require copious amounts of water and fertilizer, as well as bright light. After the plants have made up their pseudo bulbs for the year, they require an almost complete withdrawal of water, and a cessation of nitrogen-based fertilizer. This is similar to what would be...
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Dendrobium Farmeri Care Guide

Rishabh Vats 0 Comments

This species has two distinct seasons in its natural habitat. During its growing season it receives copious rain fall and fertilization and winters are dry and cold. This species is deciduous (looses leaf after 2 seasons) in nature and remains dormant during winter and blooms in early spring on upper nodes of its leafless...
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